The start of a long journey in a different World
The start of a long journey in a different World
Patrick Gisler
I will never forget the 27. August 2014 the day of departure to an unknown journey to a different country with a different culture and a completely different language. For the first time in my life, I will leave my family, friends and my home behind me not for a week, not for a month but for a year. Not only is the country on the other side of the world but also many of my relatives and friends are not familiar with China and do not know much about the country I am leaving for. Therefore, it was not surprising that many people were confused when I told them that I will go to China for one year. “Why China?” was always the question, to answer this question, which I heard many times, was extremely hard because I did not know the answer. “I want to learn Chinese” was my standard answer to satisfy them, however, it is only one part of the truth. The fact that there is something more inside me, a fascination that has grown inside me for this country since I first came to China two years ago. Ever since, I had the deep desire to experience the Chinese Culture and the way of living in China.
It has been a little bit more than one month since I arrived at LinyiAirport after an almost 18 hour journey of waiting and flying. I had mixed feelings when I had to leave my family behind at the airport. I was extremely excited and at the same time anxious about what it will be like to live in Linyi, but at the same time I was a bit sad to leave my family and friends behind. When I arrived in Shanghai I was excited like a little child who sees an animal for the first time. I could feel the fascination, which had driven me to my decision to stay in China for one year and I knew that it was the right choice. For a moment I even forgot how tired and exhausted I was from the long flight. My father who was working in Shanghai at that time picked me up, so I did not need to wait at the airport. Eight hours later it was time to say goodbye to my father and say hello to my new life in China.
At Linyi Airport I was picked up by my host father, Ms Zheng and host brother. They all gave me a heart-warming welcome and I felt extremely happy. The way to their home was a little adventure for me not knowing where we would go and seeing the different landscape and houses passing by was a thrilling experience. Arriving at home I met my host mother and ate my first Chinese dinner together. Even though, I could not eat much because I was completely exhausted, I greatly enjoyed the meal. Ever since I feel extremely welcomed and I extremely appreciate the help and support that I get from my host family.
Three days after my arrival, the moment of truth has finally arrived: My first day in a Chinese school. At first I was shocked, having the first day of school on a Sunday evening, could not mean any good for the future weekends. However, when I entered the school this was quickly forgotten because I was overwhelmed when I saw the headline on the television screen saying: Welcome to our school Patrick. Everything I experienced on this very first day was different, my classmates, my teachers, the classroom and especially the school schedule. The first week was a rough task to take. I had two months of holiday back home in Switzerland. I needed to shift my schedule dramatically from waking up at 11.30 am and going to bed at 2 am to waking up at 6 am and going to bed at 10 pm. I needed more than a week to adapt my schedule due to the fact that it is completely different in Switzerland. The only thing that was not hard to get used to was sleeping in school. After two weeks with help from Mr. Wei who prepared a special timetable which freed me up, I finally got used to the school schedule and the long days.
Moreover, after a little bit more than a week, my stomach finally got used to the Chinese food. In the beginning it was a huge change due to Swiss food lying heavier in one’s stomach with all the sauces, cream and cheese than Chinese food. However, I need to admit that I extremely enjoy eating Chinese food with its huge versatility. Even though I might not like everything, especially in the seafood section, my doubts about whether I would only eat very few kinds of food were vanishing the longer I stayed here. I ate a lot of food that I would not even dare to look at back in Switzerland. My whole eating habit changed from only eating what I love and know to try out almost everything that people offer me. So far this method is a great success I discovered a whole new world of food. Of course sometimes it backfires heavily when I try out something that I really dislike and immediately regret even trying it but nevertheless I keep tasting new things to experience as much Chinese food as possible.
One month has passed and so far what I said at the beginning of the text: It was the right choice to make. Even though I needed some time at the start adapting to this new world, so far, I had an amazing time. All the people I met are extremely friendly and helpful and I would like to take this chance to give a big thank to all of you, to my host family for giving me a warm welcome and a fantastic accommodation, Ms. Zheng and Mr. Wei for their help and support in the administration section, the teachers especially the English teachers and my Chinese teacher Ms. Chen for helping me learning Chinese, Mr. Han for giving me the possibility to play the piano or the drums and of course to all my classmates and students for giving me the feeling of not being lonely and welcomed in Linyi No. 1 Middle School.
Patrick Gisler是来自瑞士的国际交换生,于2014年9月1日在hjc888黄金城注册入学,正式成为hjc888黄金城外籍学生。该生将在hjc888黄金城学习一年,同时入住hjc888黄金城推荐的爱心志愿者家庭。他是瑞士Kollegium Altdorf高中模范学生,对历史与心理学有着浓厚的兴趣,课余爱好广泛(打鼓、钢琴、空手道、赛艇、滑雪等)。曾经为了学习法语而赴瑞士法语区交流学习四个月,如今为了学习中国的语言与文化,丰富自身的生活体验而来到中国。目前,他正开心地在hjc888黄金城学习着。